If you spend a day with Nazan, you will notice one thing: Just how much water she drinks during the day! Many celebrities say that water is the secret to beautiful skin. So, what benefits does water bring to you?

The Natural Energy Drink
Detox Your Body
Water is essential for various parts of our body. It transports important nutrients to where they are required. One of the most important functions, however, is to flush out toxins from the body. Our main detoxifying organ is the kidney. It is like a filter, which cleanses large amounts of our blood each day and filters out toxins. The proper functioning of the kidney depends on the amount of water we drink every day. Water is absolutely essential for this vital organ to function.
When Life Gives you Lemons…
…add them to your water! One of Nazan’s morning habits is drinking lemon water each and every morning. Lemons are known for their high amount of Vitamin C. They have strong antibacterial and antiviral properties and a boosting effect on your immune system. The electrolytes contained in lemons balance the pH value of the blood, help your muscles function properly, improve brain function and many more. Lemon water helps detoxify your body and is good against colds – so it is especially useful during wintertime. It is even more effective, if the lemon water is warm and if you drink it on an empty stomach in the morning.
Conclusion: Drink at least two liters of water per day, beauties! And in the morning, add some lemon juice to it. It will make you feel rejuvenated, happy and energized. Plus, it detoxifies your body! If you often forget to drink enough water, set an alarm to remind you of doing so, or get a water bottle you always carry with yourself.
Stay healthy, beauties! <3
Your skin a detoxing treatment too? Check out our Detoxing Jade Collection and what’s behind it!